Raising Children in Japan 「#子育て世帯以外」トレンド入り!「異次元の少子化対策」医療保険上乗せ徴収案に怒りの声 【ニュースより】 政府は9日、少子化対策の財源となる「支援金制度」について議論する初めて会議を開き、負担能力に応じて医療保険料に上乗せして徴収する案を提示。支援金は妊娠・出産期から0~2歳の支援策にまず充当するという。 政府案によると、子育... 2023.11.10 Raising Children in Japan
Raising Children in Japan 子供が発熱!早退しないといけない母親に「体調管理も仕事のうちだぞ」と上司が注意!? ⇒実は体調管理手当5万円が付いていました!ホワイト企業じゃん!……ってなるか??手当は無いよりはあったほうが良いけど、手当があるからといって子供が風邪を引かなくなるわけではないので、「手当があるから子供の体調管理も仕事のうち」には反対。子供... 2023.11.09 Raising Children in Japan
Raising Children in Japan 【一旦チャレンジ・日本語で書いてみよう】 …と書くと外国人のように見えますが(笑)、ブログタイトルのとおり立派?な日本人女性です。最初英語で書いていたけれど、母語のほうがやっぱり書きやすく、忙しさも相俟って放置しがちに…(笑)これじゃいかん!と、一旦日本語で書いてみることにしました... 2023.11.09 Raising Children in Japan
Raising Children in Japan The Case of the Bump on the Pool Slide Hello everyone.My name is Sakura-mama.Today, I would like to write about "the case of being hit from behind on the pool ... 2023.08.28 Raising Children in Japan
Raising Children in Japan Victims’ Families Re-appeal for Compensation, Saying “We Cannot Allow the Perpetrator to Get Away with Evasion and Evasion” Victims bear a heavy burden, and some have abandoned the lawsuit due to the high costs. 【News Citation】Cases in which perpetrators do not pay compensation to crime victims or their bereaved families and victi... 2023.08.21 Raising Children in Japan
Raising Children in Japan Redistribution of income by setting an income ceiling. Kohei Saito proposes three points for “de-growth. 【News Citation】With the continuing heat wave in Japan and reports of abnormal weather such as torrential rains and heat ... 2023.08.05 Raising Children in Japan
Raising Children in Japan Criticism Floods Into Flier for Pregnant Women in Onomichi City, Hiroshima: “From an Older Dad to You” – An All Too Natural Reason for the Flame 【News Citation】Onomichi City, Hiroshima Prefecture, Discontinues Distribution of Educational Flyer for Pregnant Women in... 2023.07.30 Raising Children in Japan
Raising Children in Japan Japanese medical care is wonderful! On a personal note, I recently went for a physical exam.At my workplace (in Japan), employees can choose between health ... 2023.07.21 Raising Children in Japan
Raising Children in Japan I would like to share my personal opinion about the use of the women’s restroom by staff members with gender identity disorder, which I wrote about in this blog on July 11. I would like to share my personal opinion about the use of the women's restroom by staff members with gender identity di... 2023.07.20 Raising Children in Japan
Raising Children in Japan Police Agency to Consider Raising Truck Speeds on Highways for “2024 Problem”. 【News Citation】In order to respond to the "2024 problem," which is feared to worsen labor shortages in the logistics ind... 2023.07.14 Raising Children in Japan